Chilling on the grounds of the State Capital after finishing the 2010 Twin Cities Marathon!
Rosie the Riveter in the House!
So, apparently I haven't posted anything since August. So here is a rundown of the Top 20 things that I have done or have been done in my presence or I feel the need to celebrate or commiserate since August:
(In order of how my mind remembers, not chronologically or level of coolness)
1. I turned 29 in September and had a big fun joint birthday celebration with Manfriend Pat.
2. Iowa State football team beat ranked Texas. In Texas. Holy crap!
3. I ran a marathon. That's pretty crazy. Ran it injured. Not smart. Finished it and have the swag to prove it. And the bum knee.
4. Glee is back on!
5. True Blood is gone until next Summer :(
6. I saw Back to the Future in the movie theater.
7. I moved to a new apartment in a super fun neighborhood.
8. I dressed as Rosie the Riveter for Halloween.
9. The suburbs still make me apprehensive. Will avoid moving there at all costs.
10. I am no longer an IKEA hater. New duvet cover-$14. Yes Thank You!
11. I think Brett Favre is a dirtbag. I did not like him last season, and now that he's throwing this season, others have joined my team of Favre-Haters.
12. I dropped out of Christmas Chorale. I am done with the Northwest suburbs. And I didn't like the music. I'll miss our awesome director though.
13. Bishops Pie is the best and I will make one every month until I weigh 200 pounds and can't fit between my sink and stove anymore. Yeah, my new place is pretty small...
14. One of the radio stations in the Twin Cities started playing Christmas music on November 8. That is SO not acceptable.
15. We had our first snow last weekend. It was beautiful :)
16. I've become a bit of a Cupid.
17. Some crackpot surburban kid killed two women in Iowa this week. I thought St. Louis Park was one of the nice suburbs. Just goes to show you...suburbs suck.
18. The movie Burlesque looks absolutely ridiculous. And not in the ridiculous way that I like, but in the "holy crap this is the worst thing ever" kind of way.
19. I might be the only person still renting dvds from Blockbuster. And they should reward me. With free dvd rentals.
20. Going to Boston in February! Haven't seen my friends out there in over TWO YEARS! Ridiculous!