Wow, I am really bad at posting on this blog! A lot has happened in the last two months, the biggest one being Big Sister got engaged! As the MOH and BB (that's Maid of Honor and Bridal Bitch to those of you not in the know) it is my duty to keep her smiling as things get stressful. Manfriend used their puppy to pop the question (a-dorable) and planning is in full gear. I even attended my first bridal fair EVER last weekend. And got through it without being too snarky, although there was a point when Mom and I just kind of looked at each other and said..."this is weird..." Oh well...I carried my BB duty of carrying all the swag with verve and diligence. :)
We also celebrated my parent's 40th wedding anniversary this past month. Forty years seems like a really long time but I think a successful marriage happens (having absolutely no experience of this myself) when you figure out how to put up with each other's "crazy". Looks like my parents have figured that one out!
So congrats to Big Sister and Manfriend on your engagement! The big day is December 10th. Congrats to Mom and Dad for putting up with the crazy for over 40 years! And congrats to me, because I put together a bookshelf all by myself.
I was weird but strangely I was drawn to it...perhaps it was the idea of winning that three day cruise. Or maybe I really am a bridezilla waiting to happen :-)